Tuesday, October 27, 2015

GSBAS Tuesday nature walk 10/27/2015

Our walk today at Heckscher State park was highlighted by bright sunshine and brilliant fall colors in the trees. We discussed how Bright and colorful the fall foliage has been on Long Island this year. There is no need to go upstate for fall leaf peeping when we have such a show here on L.I.

The birding was again somewhat slow in the woods so we went to Field 7 and checked the bay shore. We walked the bike path through to Field 8 and in scanning the shore line we discovered some remaining shore birds. There were fifteen Black-bellied Plovers, seven Dunlin and seven Sandrlings tucked away on the shore line. A pleasant surprise for this location and season.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

GSBAS Saturday Nature Walk 10/24/2015

We started out on a cool brisk morning in Caumsett State Park with clouds and wind. We ended with sunshine and a nice day. There were plenty of birds to go around as we walked the many open acres of a beautiful north shore park.

Soon after discussing whether we might see some Bluebirds, they sure enough popped up for all to see. There was  flock of about fifteen  working the berry vines in a group of trees. They were flying and hopping and making a racket in the trees and vines. We spent a good amount of time enjoying them.

The park has many open fields and fields with horse paddocks. We walked around the perimeters and enjoyed the horses in the pasture as well the birds working the edges. In a lower pasture we watched a pair of Red-tailed hawks circling and calling. We had four raptor species for the morning, Red-tailed, Cooper's, Sharp-shinned and Northern Harrier. Over all we had over thirty species of birds for our efforts this morning.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

GSBAS Tuesday Nature Walk 10/20/2015

Today's walk wast at a blustery Jones Beach West End. Heavy winds out of the west had all the birds hunkered down, but us persistent birders managed to get some birds for the morning.

There was a beautiful Peregrine falcon sitting on top of the Coast Guard radio antenna. He was holding on for dear life. We scraped an assortment of sparrows out of the bushes as the were trying to stay out of the wind. We saw Savannah, Song, Swamp, White-crowned, White-throated, Chipping and Slate Colored Juncoes. You can always find something.

There were large numbers of Tree Swallows and Flickers and Yellow-rumped Warblers migrating through the beach area.

The wind was ruffling feathers all morning, even the Yellow-rumps.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

GSBAS Tuesday Nature Walk 10/06/2015

What a gorgeous morning for a walk. We had clear air, bright sunshine and little wind. A perfect fall morning to walk along the beach side in the park. The patches of goldenrod were being frequented by migrating Monarch Butterflies.

We had a fairly good bird migration today also. There were plenty of Eastern Phoebes and our first of the season Kinglets. Both Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned were feeding in the cedars in the swales, We walked all the  to the Fire Island Lighthouse, stopping at the Hawk Watch platform to see Merlins, Kestrels and Sharp-shinned Hawks flying by. We also saw our first of the season White-throated Sparrows, and Slate-colored Juncoes. The seasons are changing, get out in nature and enjoy.