Tuesday, November 9, 2021

GSBAS Tuesday nature Walk Sunken Meadow SP 11/09/2021

 It was a beautiful fall morning for a walk. The air was crisp , warm and bright overlooking Long Island Sound. The wind was moderate out of the North. 

On the way to the boardwalk we had very good looks at a close up Raven

We saw a nice mix of birds from the boardwalk. There were Common Loons, Black, and White-winged Scoter. There was a small flock of Sanderlings scurrying along the beach.

On the edge of the woodlands we saw a small flock of Cedar Waxwings. The wetlands provided, Bufflehead, Mallard, and Black Ducks. Great Blue herons, and Yellowlegs and DC Cormorants were also there.

The highlight was seeing a Raven chasing and striking a Red-tailed hawk as they flew over our heads.

It was a great day, with some great sightings and great folks to enjoy it with.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

GSBAS Nature Walk Avalon Preserve 10/19/2021

 It was a nice crisp fall morning, with bright sunshine and colors starting to show. Eleven folks showed up for our morning walk. We were greeted by Ruby-crowned Kinglets right on the path beginning walkway. The folks that care for the preserve ae doing a great job not only in maintaining but also in improving the paths and woods and and walkways, always worth a walk.

We saw and heard 27 species of birds during our 2.5 hour walk. Kinglets and Sparrows where everywhere. We heard the resident Bobwhite Quail in the upper fields. As usual in the fall Yellow-rumped Warblers were everywhere also. At the end of our walk we were met by a very cooperative Grey Catbird who posed for pictures.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

GSBAS Tuesday Nature Walk St joseph Campus Brentwood 10/05/2021

 While the group was gathering we were treated to aerial combat between a pair of Cooper's Hawks, a Peregrine Falcon and over thirty American Crows. A spectacular way to start our morning. eleven folks showed up on  dreary overcast morning to check out the property. The Sisters of St Joseph Brentwood campus has an ongoing program to improve the natural environment on the grounds. It is fast becoming a great place to enjoy being outdoors.

We had twenty two species of birds. Eastern Phoebes were everywhere and on the wood trail we had a nice mix of woodland birds, Yellow Rumps, Golden Crowned Kinglet, Black-capped Chickadees, Golden Crowned Kinglet and  a Brown Creeper.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

GSBAS Tuesday Nature Walk Suffolk Cty. Farm 09/28/2021

 We managed to get our walk completed before the rains Came. We started our walk by chasing some birds reported from the previous day. Just past the buildings in the NW corns we encountered a flock of Palm Warblers working the grass edges of the road and bathing in puddles. Then we saw a flock of Savannah Sparrows also bathing and working the grass. The colors were beautiful. 

We then headed up the path to the fields of sunflowers. What a gorgeous view and as a bonus there were Bobolinks feeding on the sunflowers

As we were leaving the parking lot a Cooper's Hawk passed over us to help wrap up a great morning of birding

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

GSBAS Nature Walk 09/21/20 Oceanside Marine Nature Study Area

 A beautiful first day of fall walk in a beautiful location. The Oceanside MNSA is always a very nice walk and only gets better with the variety of wading birds to be seen there. We had Great and Snowy Egrets, Little Blue and Little Green Herons and one Yellow crowned Night Heron. Add a variety of shorebirds and it was a very enjoyable morning.

We followed up with a trip to Jones Beach West End to check on shore birds on the bar and saw a flock of American Oystercatchers.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

GSBAS Nature Walk 09/07/2021 Connetquot & Heckscher SP

 Today was our kickoff for the fall season. Seven of us ventured forth to see what nature could give us today. The sun was shining with mild temps, making for a very enjoyable walk. We spent the first half of the walk at Connetquot SPP. we had 20 species of birds, some highlights were Common Night Hawks, Eastern Kingbirds, and lots of Cedar Waxwings. The picture is an Eastern Kingbird

Then we proceeded to Heckscher State SP to check out the reported shorebird spectacular in the parking lot puddles. Every year at this time, with rain cooperating and filling the parking lot puddles shorebirds stop on their migration and feed on invertebrates in the puddles. This makes for easy viewing. We had seven species of shorebirds 50 yards away. We had Stilt and Pectoral and Semi and Least Sandpipers, A Ruddy Turnstone dropped in, plus Killdeer and Semi-Palmated Plover to top off the morning

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

GSBAS Nature Walk 06/01/2021 Suffolk County Farm

Our spring birding season ended with a whimper. We only had 21 species this morning and none were special enough to mention. Nine people showed up and we walked the perimeter and hedgerows.  Of note were a few groundhogs at different points during the walk.

The walk it self wass pleasant as we passed the different farm animals begging for food. There weren't many crops planted yet, it will be interesting to see what the fall walk here will show us. Come join us then.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

GSBAS Nature Walk 05/25/2021 Dune Rd.

 The hits keep coming. Another day with great weather and a good turnout of 11 folks plus a nice assortment birds. We had 38 species of birds today. Our trip this week was to Shinnecock Inlet and Dune Rd. WE followed our usual pattern of starting at the inlet and then caravanning along Dune Rd making stops at the pullout roads.

We had a good assortment of shorebirds. Highlights were, American Oystercatcher, plenty of Willets and at Tiana Bay over 50 Ruddy Turnstones on the docks. At another of the road pullouts we had a dozen Egrets both Great and Snowy. There was a flyover Black Crowned Night Heron. We got to watch a Piping Plover bathing.

Another great day, come and join us.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

GSBAS Nature Walk 05/18/2021 Oceanside Marine Nature Study Area

 Great weather, great place and great folks made for a morning  of  great birding. MNSA is always an interesting place to bird. The birds cab close up and easy to see most of the time. We had 27 species and some highlights were both Black and Yellow-crowned Night Herons. Snowy and Great Egrets plus really good looks at a Clapper Rail. There were plenty of shorebirds to see as well.

We then went to Jones Beach West end to check out the shorebirds there.  We had a good mix of shorebirds, Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers. Semi-palmated plovers, Ruddy Turnstones. Dublin and American Oystercatchers.

All in all a good moring all around


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

GSBAS Nature Walk 05/04/2021 Belmont Lake State Park

Today's trip was even better than last week's. We had 42 species of birds during our walk, A tottal of 9 folks showed up for annual walk at Belmont Lake State Park. Birding in May always has the potential to be good because it is the month of migration.

Some of the highlights were, Scarlet Tanager, Great Crested Flycatcher and Rose-breasted Grosbeak, all nice birds to see anytime. We had seven species of warblers. At the end of the walk we went to the south end of the park and saw an Eastern Screech Owl for our finale.

Next weeks trip is to Hempstead State Park and has the potential to outdo the two previous trips. Come and join us

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

GSBAS Nature Walk 04/27/2021 St Joseph Campus Brentwood NY

 What a great walk for this time of year. Fifteen people turned out for what was a pleasant day with some decent birding. The day started slightly cloudy but the sun did break through and warm up.

We were joined by Sister Karen Burke and Amanda Furcall. They are the folks that are reestablishing the campus to a more natural and self sustaining environment. We had thirty species of birds on our walk. Some highlights were, Black Vulture, Blue Headed Vireo, Black and White Warbler, Pine Warbler and Yellow-rumped Warbler. At the end of our walk we were treated to seeing a Killdeer on nest.

The campus is open to the public 6:00 to 6:00 and is a great place to visit to enjoy the outdoors