Tuesday, October 19, 2021

GSBAS Nature Walk Avalon Preserve 10/19/2021

 It was a nice crisp fall morning, with bright sunshine and colors starting to show. Eleven folks showed up for our morning walk. We were greeted by Ruby-crowned Kinglets right on the path beginning walkway. The folks that care for the preserve ae doing a great job not only in maintaining but also in improving the paths and woods and and walkways, always worth a walk.

We saw and heard 27 species of birds during our 2.5 hour walk. Kinglets and Sparrows where everywhere. We heard the resident Bobwhite Quail in the upper fields. As usual in the fall Yellow-rumped Warblers were everywhere also. At the end of our walk we were met by a very cooperative Grey Catbird who posed for pictures.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

GSBAS Tuesday Nature Walk St joseph Campus Brentwood 10/05/2021

 While the group was gathering we were treated to aerial combat between a pair of Cooper's Hawks, a Peregrine Falcon and over thirty American Crows. A spectacular way to start our morning. eleven folks showed up on  dreary overcast morning to check out the property. The Sisters of St Joseph Brentwood campus has an ongoing program to improve the natural environment on the grounds. It is fast becoming a great place to enjoy being outdoors.

We had twenty two species of birds. Eastern Phoebes were everywhere and on the wood trail we had a nice mix of woodland birds, Yellow Rumps, Golden Crowned Kinglet, Black-capped Chickadees, Golden Crowned Kinglet and  a Brown Creeper.