Tuesday, November 7, 2017

GSBAS Tuesday Nature Walk 11/07/2017

Today our walk was at Sunken Meadow State Park. Someone flipped a switch and it felt like winter this morning. Standing on the boardwalk facing into the north breeze was almost bone chilling. But, we persevered and had a good morning of birding.

We had thirty species of birds on our walk today. There were some sea ducks on the sound, both Black and White-winged Scoters plus a Common Loon. There were a few lingering Sanderlings on the beach at the base of the rock jetty.

At the end of our walk where the bridge crosses the inlet waters we had a nice finale. There were a flock of Cedar Waxwings feeding on the berries in the trees. This seems to have become a tradition on our wals here to finish with the Waxwings. Just around the corner from the bridge was a small flock of Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a topping for our finale.