Tuesday, October 8, 2019

GSBAS Tuesday Nature Walk 10/08/2019

A cloudy overcast dreary day greeted us at Robert Moses SP. As we gathered in the parking lot a pair of skirmishing merlins passed over us to start our morning.  Seven of us made our way along the boardwalk to the Hawk Watch platform. The wind was out of the north east which should have been good for seeing hawks migrate past the platform. The morning flight did not occur. We then made our way to the light house and back to look for land birds. The land birds were also not cooperating. We managed 18 species for the morning. The highlight was a very cooperative palm warbler. Photo by Bob Glasser

It is always a pleasure to walk the board walk at Robert Moses State Park and the Fire Island National Seashore, the scenery is spectacular and the the different plants that can be observed make it a nice morning